Mycorrhizal Applications formulated the MycoApply® line of professional mycorrhizal products to boost the performance and vitality of your plants, maximize the diversity of plant species that can benefit from this technology, and provide unsurpassed value that translates into a favorable return on your investment.
MycoApply® Endo is a granular mycorrhizal inoculum consisting of 4 species of endomycorrhizal fungi. About 85% of the world’s plant species form symbiotic relationships with this type of symbiotic soil fungus. These beneficial fungi greatly increase the effective rooting area of plants, thereby enhancing plant growth, vigor, and tolerance of environmental extremes. MycoApply® Endo is a granular material containing mycorrhizal propagules, which colonize roots and extend into the surrounding soil forming an essential link between plants and soil resources. Increasing the rooting area allows improved access to water and nutrients, promoting plant quality and crop performance.
Granular Formulation
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